
Key Points

An Example


  • Double Pointers
    • Slow and Faster
    • Left and Right
    • Binary Search
    • Sliding Window
    • Palindromic Problem

Problems - Double Pointers

Key Principle




对于单链表来说,大部分技巧都属于快慢指针,单链表的六大解题套路 都涵盖了,比如链表环判断,倒数第 K 个链表节点等问题,它们都是通过一个 fast 快指针和一个 slow 慢指针配合完成任务。



Problems Possible Solutions Key Points Code Comments
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Double Pointers, slow + fast code
83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Double Pointers, slow + fast Edged case of head == nil code
27. Remove Element Double Pointers, slow + fast code
283. Move Zeroes Double Pointers, slow + fast * Similar as Problem 27. Just remove the 0, and pad the index from k with 0 code
167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Double Pointers, left + right, from both sides to central code
344. Reverse String Double Pointers, left + right, from both sides to central code
5. Longest Palindromic Substring Double Pointers, left + right, from central to both sides * 找回文串的难点在于,回文串的的长度可能是奇数也可能是偶数,解决该问题的核心是从中心向两端扩散的双指针技巧 code



Problems - Palindromic Problem

Problems Possible Solutions Key Points Code Comments
125. Valid Palindrome Double Pointers code
680. Valid Palindrome II Double Pointers * Recursively code
5. Longest Palindromic Substring Double Pointers, left + right, from central to both sides * 找回文串的难点在于,回文串的的长度可能是奇数也可能是偶数,解决该问题的核心是从中心向两端扩散的双指针技巧 code
214. Shortest Palindrome Double Pointers
Refer to the code for the Double Pointers approach code

Problems - Sliding Window

Key Principle

1.我们在字符串 S 中使用双指针中的左右指针技巧,初始化 left = right = 0,把索引左闭右开区间 [left, right) 称为一个「窗口」。 2.我们先不断地增加 right 指针扩大窗口 [left, right),直到窗口中的字符串符合要求(包含了 T 中的所有字符)。 3.此时,我们停止增加 right,转而不断增加 left 指针缩小窗口 [left, right),直到窗口中的字符串不再符合要求(不包含 T 中的所有字符了)。同时,每次增加 left,我们都要更新一轮结果。 4.重复第 2 和第 3 步,直到 right 到达字符串 S 的尽头。 第 2 步相当于在寻找一个「可行解」,然后第 3 步在优化这个「可行解」,最终找到最优解.


  1. The logic of extend window and shrunk window maybe different from problem to problem. For example, it's different for problem 76 and 159.
  2. The workflow maybe different from problem to problem also. For example, problem 395.
Problems Possible Solutions Key Points Code Comments
76. Minimum Window Substring Sliding Window operate the supporting vars at the same time code
159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Sliding Window The extend and shrunk window logic is different from problem 76 code
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Sliding Window Version v2 and PV1. PV1 shows the standard workflow of Sliding Window clearly code
395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters Sliding Window the workflow is different from the framework. Extend, shrunk, and the check if we have a valid result code
1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards Sliding Window * Hard point is to convert the problem to sliding window scenarios. code
424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement Sliding Window *Utilize the index of character in the string code



Problems - Others

Problems Possible Solutions Key Points Code Comments
1062. Longest Repeating Substring 1.1 The idea of loop logic.
1.2 Stop loop in advance and edged case
* 2 The idea of binary search with possible length

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