
Key Points


  1. The diameter is the largest value of sum(max_depth_of_left_subtree, max_depth_of_right_subtree) of all of nodes of the tree


  1. BF
    • Usually based on Queue
    • Can also use recursive
  2. DF
    • PreOrder
    • InOrder
    • PostOrder

Thinking Patterns

  1. Tree Traverse. Traverse
  2. Recursive with sub trees. Sub Tasks

二叉树解题的思维模式分两类: 1、是否可以通过遍历一遍二叉树得到答案?如果可以,用一个 traverse 函数配合外部变量来实现,这叫「遍历」的思维模式。 2、是否可以定义一个递归函数,通过子问题(子树)的答案推导出原问题的答案?如果可以,写出这个递归函数的定义,并充分利用这个函数的返回值,这叫「分解问题」的思维模式。 无论使用哪种思维模式,你都需要思考: 如果单独抽出一个二叉树节点,它需要做什么事情?需要在什么时候(前/中/后序位置)做?其他的节点不用你操心,递归函数会帮你在所有节点上执行相同的操作。

An Example


Problems - Ancestor Problems

Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 1. post-order DFS
2. Track the path from root to target node and compare the slice
1. Only 2 situations: one left, on right and one is parent of another
2. The loop order of the track slice
235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Same solutions as 236 1. Utilize the character of BST code
1650. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Linked list 1. Check the public node 2 linked list code
1257. Smallest Common Region Same solutions as 1650 code

Problems - BST Problems

Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree code
1382. Balance a Binary Search Tree in-order traverse + convert ordered array to BST code
314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal code

BST Problems - Construction

Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
96. Unique Binary Search Trees DFS post-order How to set memo effectively code
95. Unique Binary Search Trees II DFS post-order Edged case of low > high and low == high code


  • LC116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
    • Why the normal traverse approach doesn't work with this problem? O(N), O(1)
    • Util BFS traverse. O(N), O(N)
    • LC117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
      • BFS approach. O(N), O(N)
      • BFS approach with cursive. O(N), O(N)
      • Multiple pointers approach & sentinel. O(N), O(Cons). And the approach also work with LC116.
  • LC114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
    • Traverse the tree, construct the link.
    • Flat recursively


Other Problems

Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
1530. Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs DFS Count the pairs of left sub-tree, right sub-tree and current node
How to calculate the distance? Utilized height
993. Cousins in Binary Tree DFS, BFS code

BT Problems

BT Problems - Construction

Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal preorder inorder Boundary of array code
Problems Solutions Key Points code Comments
662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree BFS Edged case code

Binary Tree

  • LC106. Construct binary tree from preorder and inorder array
    • Recursively.
    • Key points
      • Bound of array
  • LC654. Maximum Binary Tree
    • Recursively
  • LC889. Construct binary tree from preorder and postorder array
    • Recursively
    • Key Points
      • 2 situations
      • Common solution.
  • LC652. Find Duplicate Subtrees
    • DFS. Post order
    • Key Points
      • Generate a signature for each sub tree
        • Serilize the tree or
        • generate an id for it. Pay attention to the id of nil node
      • Time: O(n). O(n), O(1)
      • Space: O(n)
  • LC315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
    • Merge Sort
    • BIT
    • Complexity:
      • T:
        • Copy middle list: O(N)
        • Merge Sort: O(N*LogN)
        • Setup Index Map: O(N)
        • Query and Update BIT: O(NLogN)2
      • Space
        • Middle list: O(N)
        • Index Map: O(N)
        • BIT: O(N)
  • LC493. Reverse Pairs

    • Similar as LC315.
      • Reverse BIT
    • Solution 2. Only with Merge Sort
      • Key Points
        • Count first and then sort
        • count += middle-i+1
        • Complexity
          • T:
            • Compare and Sort: 2(N*logN)
          • S:
            • O(N)
      • Why LC315 can not resolved with only Merge Sort?
  • LC1664. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II.

    • Key Points.
      • Keep the idea of pre-order, in-order, post-order traverse...
  • LC1676. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV
    • Key Point.
      • Difference from LC1664??

Complete Binary Tree

  • Principle

    According to Wikipedia, every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled in a complete binary tree, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes inclusive at the last level h.

    • For any node, if it has children, then, there must be at least 1 Perfect Binary Tree in it's children.

Perfect Binary Tree

  • Principle
    • Every level of the tree is full

Full Binary Tree

  • Principle
    • Every node has either has both of the 2 children or none of the 2 children.

Binary Search Tree

  • Key Points
    • Use closure to reduce the complexity of passing parameters *
  • LC230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST

    • Inorder traverse
    • Follow Up
      • Extend the BST with NumberSumOfSubtree
      • The operation of Insert/Delete elements into/from BST
  • LC538. LC1038. Convert BST to Greater Tree (same as 1038)

    • DFT and right sub tree first (in order)
  • LC98. Validate Binary Search Tree
    • Key Points
      • Not only the left and right child. But also all the left and right subtree
  • LC700. Search in a Binary Search Tree.
  • LC701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree.
  • LC450. Delete Node in a BST

Binary Indexed Tree

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