
  • Quick Sort
    • Quick Select
  • Merge Sort

Key Points

Sorting Algorithm Time Complexity Space Complexity Stable? Comments
Quick Sort O(N*lgN) O(1) No 1. Why not stable? A: Check the logic of finding pivot
2. What if there is lots of duplicate elements in the input array?
Merge Sort O(N*lgN) O(N) Yes 1. Why is stable?

Thinking Patterns

Quick Sort

  • Naturally, workflow of Qick Sort is very similar to the Preorder DFS traverse of a binary tree.
    • On each node, find the pivot. (The preorder logic)
    • Sort nums[low...pivot-1]. The left child logic
    • Sort nums[pivot+1...high]. The right child logic

Merge Sort

  • Naturally, workflow of Merge Sort is very similar to the Postorder DFS traverse of a binary tree.
    • Sort nums[low...mid]. The left child logic
    • Sort nums[mid+1...high]. The right child logic
    • Merge 2 parts. The postorder logic


Problems - Quick Sort

Problems Possible Solutions Key Points Code Comments
215. Kth Largest Element in an Array 1. Heap
2. Quick Sort or Merge Sort
3. Quick Select
Quick Sort

Heap Sort

  • Complexity
    • T: O(N*logN)
    • S:
      • O(logN) Recursive
      • O(1) iterative
  • Key Points
    • In-place sorting
    • not stable. May make stable
  • About Heap
    • A complete Binary Tree
    • swim and sink are equal


  • LC912 sort an array

    • Merge Sort. Space O(N)
  • LC327 Count of Range Sum

    • Merge Sort usage.
      • handle logic and then sort
    • Similar as LC315, LC493

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